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The Curse of the Kawshaw (Callum Ward)
Titel: The Curse of the Kawshaw
Autor: England Callum Ward (callumward@msn.com)
Sprache: englisch
Genre: Fantasy
Abschnitte: 44
Gespielt: 42 x
Limitierte Waffen im Inventar: 10
Limitierte Gegenstände im Inv.: 15
Skill:6 + 1 x
Stamina:10 + 2 x
Strength:6 + 1 x
Morale:6 + 1 x
Intelligence:6 + 1 x
Agility:6 + 1 x
Startgegenstände: The amulet of Kawshaw
Mysterious sword (Kampfpunkte: +1 / Schaden: 0)
Startgold (Zyton): 100
Anmerkungen: I am introducing a new feature where you can step into someone elses shoes for a section to see how they are feeling about you or what they are planning to do to you. These sections won't affect gameplay they just give you extra information. Good Luck.
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Leicht Mittel Schwer
Ideen Geht so. Einige Viele
Spannung Langweilig Mittel Spannend
Wenig Ausreichend Viele
Lesespaß Niedrig Mittel Hoch
Stimmen: 2

Kl.text: Your name is Jamie Guyle. You are trapped in the terrifying world of dream. No one has ever escaped the dream world alive. Can you break the curse of Kawshaw and be the very first victor against this deadly dream?


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